Swine.... Controlling their lives, vengeance is mine Swords, daggers, lies; tools of the trade Gold, power, rewards of deceit Nukes, troops, crude, security is weak I think alone Craving up their prey The world is a better place The methods are the same Pillage away Primal fits, razor rips, the best of creation I molest the world; what's left is up for grabs A weasel in sheep's skin, in bed with the domestic boar Sold us out, sold us... Swords, daggers, lies; tools of the trade Hogtied. stomped; we need to have a roast Money hounds bred, tracking the wealth Human swine, cannibalize God save me In the name of the almighty dollar In unknown gods we trust Turn a blind eye to the human swine Befallen retribution Save us all from the human swine Save us all; the slaughter's looming The feast is coming Our vindication You swine