I heard the voice of Jesus say Come on to me and rest Lay down thy weary Weary one lay down Lay thy head upon my breast I went to Jesus as I was Weary, worn and sad I found in Him a resting place And He has made me glad Take my yoke upon you And learn about me For my yoke is easy And my burdens are light And my burdens are light I heard the voice of Jesus say Behold I freely give Oh, the living waters, oh thirsty one Stoop down and drink and live I heard the voice of Jesus say Come on to me and rest You've got to lay down thy weary Weary one lay down Lay thy head upon my breast I went to Jesus as I was You know I was weary, worn and sad I found in Him, yes I found in Him a resting place Oh, you know He's made me glad I heard the voice, yes of Jesus say Behold I freely give Oh, the living waters, oh thirsty one Stoop down and drink and live Oh I wonder, I wonder you could ever hear me? I keep on calling, you've got to hear me Oh, I'm pleading, everybody hear my plead Oh, Jesus, hear my name, oh Jesus I said: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus I'm pleading, I'm pleading You've got to hear me, yeah You've got to hear me calling I'm calling Jesus, I keep calling I said: Yeah, Jesus I've just to keep on calling Calling your name, I just call, I just call Yeah yeah, you've got to hear me, hear me Hear me, hear me calling, yes I do You've got to hear me I said: Yeah, Jesus, ahh You've got to hear me, Jesus I keep calling, calling your name Oh Jesus, oh Jesus I'm calling, calling your name I keep on calling Hold down my name I pray, I pray Yes, I'm praying Jesus, hear my, hear my call