Kodiak king Gold shining technicolor Thing of admiration Obtain the boon of monomyths Awake from winter sleep Take in, forest deep Aimed rifle Bobbing crosshairs float and hone Moving shadow that follows slowly Bear god, grizzly All creatures by your paw Mount the head Adorned wall Blood can spruce the tamest halls Bloody path, chase has taken place With knife in hand plow through the vast green maze Obtain the boon of monomyths Grow, gain, return and educate Hallucination from starvation Sunk in miles of forest Inching deeper in Move in slow, so goddamn slowly Look through old eyes, black forest grave In larval stride, enter the cave Awake from winter sleep, emerge forest deep Wake up, take stand, welcome the winds of change Moth wing beating Emerge, embrace through the darkness Bone and claw Man to bear