In the time just for me
I don't have enough things to give to anyone else
When this dark night comes it is like the sun setting-

And so we'll start again and never stop
I'm going to the end of this road
Times goes on as everything stays the same..oo oo um-

It seems like there is no end to this path
I can't even stop and think
I'm waiting for you there
But you're still so far away and time is too short

* You will always be for me, I'm always your's
You wait for me, I wish for you
Time won't tire us
This road won't stop us
We can't hold anyone, we can't stop
You shake me and I wake up
To see all the things around me
Finally the finish line is in front of you

I'll let you inside
You make me complete
You're mine and I won't let you walk past me
And just like before, we are always together..

And so we'll start again and never stop
I'll wait until the end of this road
Times goes on as everything stays the same..oo oo um-

It seems like we can see the golden finish
Its so near that we can't miss it
I'm waiting for you there
But you're still so far away and time is too short...

* Repeat