The pulse of living blasphemies !! At your morals and your stars we mock !! To The Credo Of Inversion We share this lust for gain, we know Your burning sin to strain Against those morals in weak men's brain Challenging this life to drain Let's praise our greed for joy and seed Let's praise our need for sex and weed Let's praise the credo of hating creed To the credo of inversion - path of desperate horde To the credo of inversion - bizarre status of our Lord The omen of Ischariot, oracle of a dying God - gave birth to inverting throb The pulse of living blasphemies At your morals and your stars we mock Let's praise our greed for life and sun Let's praise our need for thrills and fun Let's praise our credo of the dark to come To the credo of inversion - path of fighting horde To the credo of inversion - bizarre sunrise at the shores