The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are And the Old Ones shall be From the dark stars they came ere man was born Unseen and loathsome they descended to primal earth Beneath the oceans they brooded while ages past Till seas gave up the land, whereupon they swarmed forth in Their multitudes and darkness ruled the earth What man knoweth Kadath? Path of Alpha gleams at us Dho-hna delivered the formula Zazas zazas Nasatanada Ohodos scies Ia Fyaan. Ia o Tsatthoggua! Their praises beneath the peaks of ancient Throk They have walked the Earth And they have walked admidst the stars Ever awaite the time of their return; for the Earth has known Them and shall know them in time yet to come.. When the stars will bear their row and the time will be thou old Black Tsatthoggua, toad and terror from the dark Return from R?lyeh with your sons Bokrug, Rhan-Tegoth and Ia Fyaan Zazas Zazas Nasatanada! Ia o Tsatthoggua! Your step wilst quake this earth o bleed Father of Nyar-Lathotep come forth to feel and free