Work as hard as you can, earn your way Work as hard as you can, earn your way Find someone to come home to at the end of the day Work as hard as you can, earn your way Work as hard as you can, earn your way Don't you ever expect to be appreciated You are not alone, we all have bad days You are not alone, we all have bad days When work is not worth the work Appreciate your legs and walk away Appreciate your brain and walk away Some of us work real hard And some of us don't Some of us are home a lot And some of us are working all the time I say work when you can and when you want And everything will be fine. Don't bring work home with you Don't let it change your mind Cause people make money, and money makes them And when money makes people, they're not your friend. Work as hard as you can, earn your way Work as hard as you can, earn your way Find someone to come home to at the end of the day Someone who understands your overworked and underpaid