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Sleep Little Nemo - The Kidnapping!

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Sleep Little Nemo 
You're covered in leaves 
You're digging too deep 
So Sleep Little Nemo 
You won't have an alibi 
For what the cops will find 
Their bullets aren't stopping anything 
You can tell by the shine of my teeth 
You have to get rid of evidence 
So dump her body 
I can get out of anything 
You'll call me by my first name 
Houdini The Great 
Oh run 
Run Little Nemo 
They're catching up 
They're calling your bluff 
Jump Little Nemo 
You don't have to sleep In order to dream 
The cops will find a horrific sight 
Of Nemo's bride at the bottom of the lake 
And when they saw her open mouth 
They looked inside and read the note that Nemo wrote 
(It entails)
With love, with love, with love, with love
With love, with love, with love, with love 
With love, with love, with love, with love
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh 
My love, my love, my love, my love
My love, my love, my love, my love 
I am sorry I missed you 
(I missed you...)
Oh Little Nemo 
Oh I know Little Nemo 
Now it's time to Sleep 
Now it's time to... sleep 
But your bullets aren't stopping anything 
He's dressed as the calico cat 
Nemo's jumping to his death 
I'm still here 
You must call me by my first name 
Houdini the Great 
I'm spitting out bullets I'm still here... 
Hide the white dress 
Hide the white dress