
And Sadness Will Sear


Tom: D

Album:  The Crusade

This is mostly taken from one of the
guitar pro versions on here but I changed
a lot of things with it, especially with
the chorus/intro riff. It's missing the
bridge riff and solos. 

m = mute the strings (like stacatto style)   |
PM = palm muted                              |
/ = slide up to the headstock                |

Intro (played whole thing twice):

(PM throughout)


(PM throughout)

Verse (twice):

Chorus (play whole thing twice):

(PM throughout)


(PM throughout)

Verse (twice):

(under verse riff second time)


Chorus (play whole thing twice):

(PM throughout)


(PM throughout)



Chorus (play whole thing twice):

(PM throughout)


(PM throughout)

Outro lick:




Outro lick 2: (octaved and slower)




End on: