
Magic Power


Tom: G

Mon Dec 14 14:01:43 PST 1992
Article: 520 of *
Newsgroups: *
Path: *!uunet!*!*!*!*!*!stargate!jim
From: * (Jim McCusker)
Sender: * (USENET News System)
Organization: OUC, University of Notre Dame
Distribution: *
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1992 18:46:19 GMT
Lines: 52

I've only seen him play it once but I'm fairly sure that it is in
the correct key.   He LOVES to pick the heck out of the open D chord
as you will quickly see.






    D C B C  (x2)

    E F# G A

    E F# A

     There's more to it, I just didn't have the time to write it down,
let me know if you want the rest of it!

            -- Jim    (*)