When I'll walk When I'll walk by myself tonite When I'll walk by myself tonite I won't cry I won't cry Tonite Now I know Now I know that she didn't mean to Now I know that she didn't mean to Make me sad Make me mad Tonite And when I'll walk When I'll pass by her place tonite And when I hear all that loud loud cry I'll just hang by the lamppost outside Cause now I know Now I know she didn't mean to stay Now I know she didn't mean to stay She would come So she said Someday She said she had enough from people Telling what she was supposed to do And then she told me she would Flee from there and be with me And so she said: Only you, my doll, cause I love you! When I'll walk When I'll walk by myself tonite When I'll walk by myself tonite I won't cry I won't cry Tonite