Trik Turner

Friends & Family

Trik Turner

Some call me a loser 
Some call me a cheater 
Some say I'm a selfish untalented dreamer 
Cause all's I try to do is keep my dream alive
But it's so hard to do when your working 9 to 5 
I've never been one afraid to die 
But I'm afraid to leave behind
The precious life that grows through the sands of time 
Cause for my son and daughter
I know they need their father 
To help them make it through all of the devious things that people do
Cause every moment counts from the good times to the bad 
I don't have time to envy those that got things I've never had
Cause the one thing most important is the one we take for granted 
And until your life is on that line I think it's the way god had planned it
To open up your eyes and make you realize 
That to some life is money 
But what's money without life
Cause all's I need is the air that I breathe 
And my friends and family to believe in me

As deep as the abyss where the waters run
As deeps as the land of the rising sun
You know I'm down
And even when the odds are against us 
It doesn't even matter 
Nothing else matters 

We bleed the same blood 
We cry the same tears 
We have the the same fears 
We pass the same years 
We see the same stars 
Under the same skies 
We pass the same time 
We all live and die 
Cause friends and family wash thicker than blood 
And if ya never felt love than I feel for you 
Cuz lives pass above us in 747's 
Deceased dwel below us 
Before they go to heaven 
Deep like seven leagues life intrigues intelligence 
Got no time for clutter, your late if there's hesitance 
Put your foot forward and there will be a helping hand 
Take a step back and your stuck in the quick sand 
Ingesting toxins keeps us locked in, a mental jail trap 
2002 where's your family at

Oh, and I might fail
Oh, I might succeed 
Whatever the outcome is 
Just keep your faith in me 
Just believe in me 
And I will be there 
(repeat hook)