Each day one rung lower Another dollar deeper in debt How can I explain to you? I lost my footing on the final step Now I rip the rubber stopper from the bottle pour the liquid down the sink I wiped away the film of sweat from my upper lip Keep your eye on the center of the sun If you blink for a second I may dissolve You are the speck of light in the darkness I am the hole Keep your eyes on the hole Keep your eyes on the hole Keep your eyes on the hole I am a loose strand You may never turn on me I can tell you precisely how the stories want to end Keep your eyes on the center of the sun If you blink for a second I may dissolve I am the speck of light in the darkness You are the hole Keep your eyes on the hole Keep your eyes on the hole Keep your eyes on the hole Keep your eyes on the hole Keep your eyes on the hole Keep your eyes on the hole