Tom: C Tabbed by: Robert Bochanski Email: R* Tuning: regular This is a new song its played with one guitar, you can download it on Kazaa e|--------------------------------------------------------------------------- B|--1----------------1------------------------------------------------------- G|--2-x3---2---x6----2-x3----2---x6-----------------------------------------| D|--2------2---------2-------2---------1---x2-----------1---x2--------------- A|-------------------------------------2--------2-x6----2--------1--x2------- E|---------------------------------------------------------------2------2-x6- e|----------------------------------------------- B|--------------------2--2--4--4-4--5--5--2--2--- G|--------------------2--2--4--4-4--5--5--2--2--- D|--------------------2--2--4--4-4--5--5--2--2--- A|--1--x2---------------------------------------- E|--2-------2--x6-------------------------------- e|--------------------------------------------------------------------------- B|--------------------------------------------------------------------------- G|---7--7--5--5-x-x-x---------------play this three times-------------------- D|---7--5--5--5-x-x-x--5--5--3--3-----------------------------4-------------- A|---5--5--3--3-x-x-x--5--5--3--3-----------------------------4-------------- E|---------------------3--3--1--1-----------------------------2-------------- Verse 1 Tell me why you couldent see, The best things were, inside of me, You always, think about yourslef, Instead of wondering, how I felt. Chours Well ohh no, tell me why, Ohh no, please don’t cry, Ohh, no, no no, leave me the hell alone Verse 2 Now your story, has slightly changed, From what you originally, did proclaim, You say you have, someone new., Well go ahead, and get screwed, Chours Cause ohh, no, tell me why Ohh no, please don’t cry, Ohh no, no no, leave me the f**k alone. Verse 3 Now your true, has turned you blue, So go with him, and your f**ked up life, Don’t look back, don’t think twice, And you you cant, be my wife Chours Cause ohh no, tell me why Oh no, please don’t cry, Oh no, no no, leave me the hell alone. | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note =======================================================================