I long to see the fire in your eyes wouldn't meet mine were looking down at your feet walked away for the last time is on my side step the question like a politician is bought and paid four score and seven years ago in a galaxy far, far away from this place in the sun sets on another day in the life of Brian Wilson Wipe your feet on the Matlock never lost a case closed for the defense let the offense score a touchdowntown in Wuxtry Records were replaced by the CDelightful Joe Odom was in the garDenver beat my Falcons in a Super Bowling shoes on my feet smell from the run to your house in the rain Without you, life's a downward Spiral Stairs wrote 'Kennel District' of Columbia had an arrested Mayor McCheese, could you please show me something new generation for a soda Pop won't play with me anymore bang for your Buck Owens was on Hee Haw with the lovely Misty Rowe your boat ashore to the moor I don't want my point to be obscure (freestyle rapping) Matlock never lost case, Matlock never lost a case and I'm feeling pretty Matlock. He's like the good stuff on the top shelf Matlock went to court by dressing himself in a white suit you can't dispute, from Atlanta to Savannah Matlock props old coots. Come on y'all Matlock never lost a case. I'm going to have a Matlock day. With my Matlock girl, I'm going to be very Matlock Down in East Lake, you can't be late Everybody knows I've got Def Jef I can't defect, Matlock's on the case "I didn't kill that person, come on." You know its good in the hood and everybody loves to knock on wood, y'all.