Force of magic was searched for so long ago Well rehearsed in he practice of changing base metals to gold Feared by people and envied by lords of the land Who mistakenly thought that wealth could be made out of sand Can you feel it in your soul? Touch my heart, you can feel it's gone cold Worked by moonlight strange potions that they conceived The bright towers of lighting for those who believed Echoing thunder of spirits evoked from the night Held the kingdom in terror and caused men to tremble with fright Can you feel it in your soul? Touch my heart, you can feel it's gone cold Easy with the lamp turned down Easy on your mind Take me down to the bottom of your soul Don't let me drown Feel the wind, touch the stone Make it pour like gold Hell's high waters, sons and daughters The blood is all the same State of mind, only one kind Always have his way Never again, it's all in the mind Force of magic was searched for so long ago Well rehearsed in he practice of changing base metals to gold Feared by people and envied by lords of the land Who mistakenly thought that wealth could be made out of sand Can you feel it in your soul? Touch my heart, you can feel it's gone cold