Picking up little pieces of a fantasy Holding them to the light and wondering what they'd be Part of an ethic, never dependent on a bribe The Sun always shining, the features defining a real tribe It's hard to believe it, baby girl That we're just a pack of little warring animals Swinging around on the highest branch Hide your face in something else I guess If you can find help, let me know Think we're clever but we're only stubborn gamblers Nothing to catch us if we fall Time to make your peace Big chimps with spectacles pretend they're made perfect Can't admit to themselves those humble origins Can't mention the weakness, not even think it, oh no Good is a mirror, if you don't even care who you are It's hard to believe it, baby girl That we're just a pack of little warring animals Swinging around on the highest branch Hide your face in something else I guess If you can find help, let me know Think we're clever but we're only stubborn gamblers Nothing to catch us if we fall Time to make your peace