if the file name is not right, then you guys can change it if ya want too Yawning or Snarling >From the CD "Day For Ngiht" Tab by Steven da Canadian S* I have not seen any tabs from this CD so i thought i'd tab some out. This is my first time tabbing anything out so i hope its right. This is a simple riff that is played through most of the song. I think it is right, it sounds right at least. Verse: G----------------------------------------------------------------------- D----------------------------------------------------------------------- A---5-----5--5--------------------5-----5--5---------------------------- E---------------0--3--3--5--1-----------------0--3--3--5--1------------- Chorus: G-----------------5----------------------------------------------------- D-------------------5--------------------------------------------------- A---5---5---6?6?------3-3---5---5---6?6?-6?6?--5---5-------------------- E----------------------------------------------------------------------- "?" means that i'm not to sure about that note. This tab is not perfect, there is alot more to this song. But it's a start. If you liked or hated or you have something to add to this tab please e-mail your comments to * I'd like to know because I could tab out Thugs, So Hard Done By, and Nautical Disaster This tab is all my own work, so please don't rip me off