Here's a glue guy a performance god A makeshift shrine newly lain sod Hardly even trying gives the nod I sure hope i'm not the type to dwell Hope i'm a fast healer fast as hell Heaven is a better place today because of this But the world is just not the same If and when you get into the endzone Act like you've been there a thousand times before Don't blame don't say people lose people all the time anymore A toonie to the busker and a husky 'keep it comin' under my breath But then said, 'though, if you wouldn't mind, Less crying and more trying more trying and less crying' I'm not the type to dwell I'm a fast healer fast as hell Heaven is a better place today because of this But the world is just not the same Oh if and - if and when you get into the endzone Act like you've been there a thousand times before Don't blame and don't say people lose people all the time anymore If and when you get into that endzone Act like you've been there a thousand times before Don't change but don't say people lose people all the time anymore It's just not the same because of this It's not the same