What's troubling Gus you sound demented Is it because someone talked and she told me He no longer thinks anything that moves and Everything he sees is something to kill and eat? What's troubling Gus is it nothing goes quiet? The whip-poor-will at dusk.... What's troubling Gus overhearing conversations That it's because you're too either them or me When it's either them or it's us anything that moves and Everything you see is something to kill and eat What's troubling Gus? Is it nothing goes quiet? Is that what's troubling ya Gus the mere mention of the name Used to be enough to make every bird stop singing? Is that what's troubling ya Gus? No one is afraid enough? What's troubling Gus is it nothing goes quiet? Is that what's troubling ya Gus? The mere attention of the name Used to be enough to make every bird stop singing The whip-poor-will at dusk tells you no one is afraid No one is afraid enough Is it afraid Or is it afraid enough It's troubling Gus