
The Springtime It Brings On The Shearing


Tipo de gaita: Diatônica
Tom: qualquer

The Springtime It Brings On The Shearing.

6-5 5      5    5  -5     -4 -3  4     4 -----   
The spring-time it brings on the shear-ing
4   -4  5    -4  5    -5  -4   5  -5 --- 
And its then you will see them in droves
5  -5  6    5    6   6   -5    -4  4     4 
To the west-coun-try sta-tions all steer-ing
-4 5   -4  5 -5  -4   -3   4 
A-seek-ing a job off  the  coves
6    -5 5   5  5  5   -5   -4 -3 4     4
With my rag-ged-y old swag on my shoul-der
4  -4 5   -4 5     -5  -4 5  -5 
And a bil-ly quart-pot in my hand
5  6    5   6      6    -5  -4  4   4
I  tell you We'll 'ston-ish the new chums
4    -4   5   -4  5  -5   -4 -3  4 
When they see how we trav-el the land

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