Oh whiskey is the life of man Always was since the world began Whiskey-o, Johnny-o Rise her up from down below Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey-o Up aloft this yard must go John rise her up from down below Now whiskey made me pawn me clothes And whiskey gave me a broken nose Whiskey-o, Johnny-o Rise her up from down below Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey-o Up aloft this yard must go John rise her up from down below Now whiskey is the life of man Whiskey from an old tin can Whiskey-o, Johnny-o Rise her up from down below Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey-o Up aloft this yard must go John rise her up from down below I thought I heard the first mate say I treats me crew in a decent way Whiskey-o, Johnny-o Rise her up from down below Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey-o Up aloft this yard must go John rise her up from down below A glass of whiskey all around And a bottle full for the shanty man Whiskey-o, Johnny-o Rise her up from down below Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey-o Up aloft this yard must go John rise her up from down below