There once was a troop of Irish dragoons come marching down through Fife-e-O And the captain fell in love with a very bonny lass, and her name it was called pretty Peggy-O There's many a bonny lass in the town of Ackerglass, there's many a bonny lassie in the cheerie-O There's many a bonny Jean in the streets of Aberdeen, but the flower of them all is in Fife-e-O "Come down the stairs, pretty Peggy, my dear, come down the stairs, pretty Peggy-O Oh, come down the stairs, comb back your yellow hair, bid a long farewell to your mammy-O "I never did intend a soldiers's lady for to be, I never will marry a soldier-O I never did intend to go to a foreign land and I never will marry a soldier-O The colonel he cried: "Mount, mount, boys, mount", the captain he cried: "Tarry-O Oh, tarry for a while, for another day or twa, til I see if this bonny lass will marry-O" Long 'ere we came to the town of Ackerglass we had our captain to carry-O And long 'ere we reached the streets of Aberdeen we had our captain to bury-O Green grow the birks on bonny Ethen-side, and low lie the lowlands of Fife-e-O Well, the captain's name was Ned, and he died for a maid, he died for the chambermaid of Fife-e-O