Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pale of water, Jack fell down and broke his crown And we came tumbling after. Up got Jack and home we went, As fast as we could caper; And Jill came home and wrapped his head In vinegar and paper. We crawl on hands and feet, Smell the scent of a fresh stream. We went up the hill like Jack and Jill To fetch our ration of water. When we got to the top the bomb was dropped, We tumbled down with laughter! Up we got with our adrenalin shock, And ran to the nearest shelter. The doors were shut they were full enough But we are true survivors. We crawl on hands and feet, Smell the scent of a fresh stream. San Francisco's fallen down We crawl on hands and feet, Smell the scent of a fresh stream. Space ships fill the sky with warmth and laughter – Who will go and who will stay? Warlords. Warlocks. Wizards. Shepherds. Will you stand up, Holy Ghost? Witches, Serpents, Superstitions; Peers and their futuristic ploys. Nosferatu, Nostradamus; Nymphs and pixies, Goblins, Demons. Crowley, Barabus John and Peter. Space ships fill the sky with warmth and laughter – Who will go and who will stay? Who will go and who will stay? Who will go and who will stay?