Jazz jazz singers in the trees now, Shiny projectiles with bee-bop beaks Remote in the key of green Perched high in the citadel Scaping scaping the land Claiming claiming the world Throwing scoring ripples across the sky Here I am Find me Here I am Where's the scalpel O.K., O.K. I think I think We've successfully removed the tumour Well, what does the astrologer say today ronny Voices voices in the brilliant dawn Rejuvenate rejuvenate the archer, The moment's aim is in his hands The sorceror Spewing spewing over the brim of the world You pay your debts to the reaper O.K. H.Q. We're over the designated target We await your instructions Hi there, your cheque's in the post O.K. boys, we've got the go-ahead Open bomb bays Nancy, I swear I can hear jazz singers in the trees Jazz jazz singers in the trees Shiny projectiles with bee-bop beaks