All our mates that we once knew said they were happy Always shouting in the street, just like you and me Always finding laughter, fun and games to play They of course have to agree Suddenly they were swept off their feet and gone They don't know what hit them Just like the rest, the girlfriends got the best And so the story just goes on They all get washed for them, even have a bath But they are now being led, up the garden path I was sitting in the sun reading the days press A boy that i once knew was in, i've never seen such a mess Smiling with a moustache, a suit, a shirt and tie He had just been wed today I could not help but laugh, what's got into him? He looks about forty He's been such a nit, now he's in for it And soon you'll hear him say I was lying on the beach licking cool ice cream A man, a wife and a pram went by, it was like a dream He was climbing apple trees just a moon ago The kind of bloke you think, won't grow His face is like a fiddle now, long and sad and blue He still says he's happy He must have gone mad, cos he's not the lad That i once used to know