Go and get it With your good credit. Go and get it With your good credit. You can Do the town. Paint it up red. Don't worry about a thing, You don't need no bread. Go and get it With your good credit. You can Dine in style. Live like a king. Keep the spirit flowing. Ain't no big thing. Go and get it With your good credit. (begin refrain) Create a flash With that plastic cash. You don't need no green To make the scene. (end refrain) Go and get it With your good credit. Check it out! Go and get it With your good credit. You can Pay your bills. Cop a tailor made suit. Sign on the line. You don't need no loot. Go and get it With your good credit. And I will show you what to do. You can Rent a car. Fill the tank with gas. Cruise to the limit Without no cash. Go and get it That's a fact Jack. With your good credit. Yeah, I like it like that.