If you think that God created on The basis of what free creatures would do Then I have to ask how does He know these decisions When they don't come from God or man? Are these things on the outside of God in some kind of unknown cosmic ether? You can't be serious How can such a brilliant mind rude our Holy God To this sub level Eisegesis to the point that you insist that God must Play "the hand that He's been dealt" Exactly who is this dealer that God must answer to To make His plan unfold? Why shouldn't we be praying to this God And worshipping this one that gives God His hand? You can't be serious Jesus said He is the way and the truth So all truth is within Himself Contrary to your insistence that There is no truth maker and things are just Things are what they are because Christ is the foundation Of all that is true Your answer to theodicy lacks the logical grounding On which it can stand You can't be serious