The necessary preconditions for intelligbility The future will be like the past If the universe is the product of randomness How do we get uniformity? How can a cosmic accident Produce a uniformed universe? There are no brute facts You cannot appeal to just is No can probability be the crutch that you lean on You still need to account for the very thing you take for granted It is not random Some would say: Of course it's not random But how can this be without a divine Controller? How do you get order from this chaotic cosmic event? Who guides all the atoms from going rouge? What would have to be true In order for the Universe To operate in a uniform, law-like fashion? I submit to you it would take a sovereign God Controlling all things in a rational, predictable way The fact is worldviews must have grounding Otherwise you believe nonsense You may mock, ridicule, even insult But then it's up to you to provide your own answers At best you can only assume But you cannot account for How science is even possible Or how anything is knowable Without God, all is nonsense