When humanity has built death I saw the future meet the past Exterminate No chance for redemption There is no space for failure You don’t get a second chance It’s in your hands Your choices determine your end On your paths You are the one who can order Each step you take keep always moving ahead Choose your target Be ready to face the enemy Don’t be afraid Anger is more useful than fear Overcoming Destiny No Fate, your only chance is what you make for yourself No escape, your only chance is what you make for you Past, Present, Future, DEATH! When humanity has built death I saw the future meet the past Exterminate No chance for redemption There is no space for failure You don’t get a second chance Only your choices will determinate your end Don’t be afraid keep this in your mind Anger is more useful than fear No No fate No fate at all No Fate, your only chance is what you make for yourself No escape, your only chance is what you make for you No Fate, your only chance is what you make for yourself No escape, your only chance is what you make for yourself No fate