Aln, ap Colina, M3G Mar, mcr Corrente, MRT Let’s start the armed struggle Violence you want, violence you get We’ll do everything for the good of the nation Resisting till the end Mnr, jr-8 Disp Mrm, FLN Pcb Many are joining now Defend our country, defend our town Looking for the best for brasil Hail democracy! Dare to win, dare to fight Never surrender Persistence in minds Never surrender The spirit never dies! Only organized people Will defeat this dictatorship You imprison and kill But we still breed You cannot control everything One day this will stop! Mr-26 PCBR Mr-8, ran MEP Even within the army we are We come from the cities and countryside We’ll do whatever we have to do To bring you down! Dare to win, dare to fight Never surrender Persistence in minds Never surrender The spirit never dies!