To consecrate longevity of meaningless Life as a prince above all To assuage suffering, all famine Diseases and glorious war That all life may endure Their bequest of fucking doom At the cost of prudence and reason All this is a crime, more vile than rape Than murder, incest, who blush At its sight To weep for the salvage of human flesh As an ideal you consider Worth my strength To cry for the hand of reason To toil against another's demise Would their ruin soar May a thousand diseases plague your kin May sweet poverty famine And death lay siege May the sky rain a black deluge of blood On your morbid vanity, your hubris The world serpent shakes his mighty tail Preparing a feast of joy to reason In his malignant strength You find but pestilence I, majesty Delegating poverty to the pages Of a past you adjure to come To dream of freedom from Global disease and blight All this is a consummate Sickness of the mind More dreadful in itself than genocide You will not be rescued Nor helped by these hands Would that you all perish And the floods ever rise