In your so-called perfect World, life breeds life, hate breed hate, violence breeds violence, but some things are better left unsaid... By the same token things are better left undone... Hand over fist my path is paved, a fine built on nerve has burned in front of me Immortal, it vearns for, it burns contingency From any level, at any rule, it all has suffered an adverse outcome FREE ALL Carry on with your SLOW CRAWL Come and join the fray Come see what you've left behind now Turn around and see Focus lost on an empty concept A comfort known impossibly The gentle twitch begins the freezing of your veins It crumbles, it's shattered, it rots internally You can see, you should see, you will see the adverse outcome FREE ALL Carry on with your SLOW CRAWL Come and join the fray Come see what you've left behind now Turn around and see Focus lost on an empty concept GONE DEAD! Poisoned, false hope - I am here Suffer, mislead - Travesty Carnage, ripped from - Lives I feed All over... YOUR SYSTEM'S GONE MAD! Your words they fall on hollow ears Your lives my stepping stones of fear Your hopes a stain I will erase Unlearned accept this fall from grace! (Spoken) You can't say that I didn't warn you Do you think that this is all there is? This is nothing... All for not! Hand over fist my stake is claimed Your dreams scraped from my heals your future pre-ordained It cowers, it whimpers enslaved eternally All time bought, my path crossed no love lost Just existence FREE ALL Carry on with your SLOW CRAWL Come and join the fray Come see what you've left behind now Turn around and see Focus lost on an empty concept GONE DEAD!