Hear my story about a boy And about his pitiful toy The boy was ugly and insane He liked to see others in pain This is the ballad of Peter`s dog The dog that was killed by Peter`s cock The story is based on the dog`s pain Peter was the violator`s name A woman to love he couldn`t get His carnal desires drove him mad His prick was erect, his balls about to burst He took his dog to satisfy his lust This is the ballad of Peter`s dog The dog that was killed by Peter`s cock The story is based on the dog`s pain Peter was the violator`s name This maltreatment the dog couldn`t endure The deadly wounds would never cure The dog is called man`s best friend But now it died by man`s hand This is the balled of Peter`s dog The dog that was killed by Peter`s cock The story is based on the dog`s pain Peter was the violator`s name.