Knowing this may help you make, make it through the night on lullabies Knowing this may help you to open up your eyes Spies! Everywhere from here to London Town Tracking the thieving meanies below and above ground Spies, that's right, spies You see an aardvark on the underground Then on the bridge, under the tower In spatterdashes with a plaid umbrella It's seems he's just a well dressed fella Spies, that's right, spies Knowing this may help you make, make it through the night on lullabies Knowing this may help you to open up your eyes Spies, that's right That's right, spies In a café stalking scary men Spotting a flying saucer hovering above Big Ben Spies, that's right, spies They may say they're on Holiday Grabbing a latte in a coquelicot beret Spies, je suis spy But that hippopotamus Must stay anonymous for now Yes, that hippopotamus Must stay anonymous for now Here from London up to Aberdeen Ferry to Dublin, all the way down to Skibbereen Spies, that's right, spies Spies don't think that it's absurd (No spy that I know does not) Scary men dipped in mustard (English mixed with Dijon) Mrs Crabby Apple Won't get custard Won't get crumble Spies, we love spies Knowing this may help you make Make it through the night on lullabies Knowing this may help you to open up your eyes with lullabies Knowing this may help you to, help you close your eyes, get some shut eye