Almost extinct the last of your kind Progress has brought you to the end of the line Stamp out, wipe out, they still infest Holocaust immune the ultimate defence Beg for your life, they bring your demise Crawl in the earth, the role has been reversed Time to make way for the new command Indestructible army phase IV has begun Conquered by a greater force you stood in its path Nothing now can stop the swarm a savage aftermath Beg for your life, they bring your demise Crawl in the earth, the role has been reversed Kneel before the gods for they have come Accept your defeat metamorphis complete Hunt burn they still return multiply in number Man made chemical plague born in a mutant form Deafening darkest cloud a living shroud that covers you Eating you alive food of the gods to survive Hunt burn they still return multiply in number Man made chemical plague born in a mutant form Step down from your throne nothing lasts forever A new reign has begun food of the gods your time has come Fighting for your life a race you thought immortal Inferior control brought about your downfall Prolific breed so easily outnumbered If your god is there its too late for prayer Beg for your life, they bring your demise Crawl in the earth, the role has been reversed Kneel before the gods for they have come Accept your defeat metamorphis complete Food of the gods, you're food of the gods Food of the gods, food of the gods