So you're tired of America You're tired of having clothes to wear and shoes on your feet and enough to eat You're fed up with the opportunity to find a job and make at last a decent living You wanna change it all revolutionize demonstrate march fight in the streets And you want me to join you Well we'd better stand upon our feet we'd better think before we speak These are the things that make the nation weak So you're sick of our flag to you the Red White and Blue no longer stands Old Glory the symbol of freedom has lost its meaning Bring old Glory down stomp it burn it turn your back on it bring it down to stay And while you're making a fireburn and growing long hair Your brother has died in Vietnam you forgot that you are an American Well we'd better stand upon our feet... Oh have we thought about what we can do for our country Instead of trying to make it weak Have we thought about what the black men and the white men Can do together I don't mean in the streets Have we thought about those who have no arms and legs to fight with And those who can't speak what would been done to them Have we thought about what we can do improve our schools Instead of trying to degrade them Who are we trying to impress anyway ourselves or our friends What difference would it make fifty years from now to us But what about the child you're wearing Or is the hammer and sickle more appealing to you than the symbol of freedom Well we'd better stand upon our feet... So grow long hair wear dirty clothes curse the police Burn your draftcard destroy our flag dishonor our nation Hijack an airplane march in the streets Forget that you're an American destroy yourself and I'll see you in hell Cause that's what it's gonna be like after we're through The great eagle no longer flies but lies dead and silent And the great nation at wings falls with it No I love America and so do you if you'll admit it Well we'd better stand upon our feet... No you're not tired of America because you're not tired of being free