Tom: Bb This was writen by Tom himself on his forum. e-----------------------------------------------| b--0----0--------0----0-------0-----------------| g--5----5--------5----5-------0-----------------| d--7----7--------7----7-------7(H)*-------------| a-(D)--(D)------(D)--(D)-----(D)----------------| E-(D)--(D)------(D)--(D)-----(D)----------------| * I just made this symbol up i think but it means "Harmonic" ie you rest your finger on string with out pressing it onto the fret, so it makes a kinda "ping" sound. (D) - You've really got to tank this out, whack all the strings (xcept high e) but use thumb to deaden E and A, and it sounds different on every guitar i play it on. The chorus guitar (whack each chord for like 4 or 8 beats) e--------------------------------------------------------| b--0---0---0---6-8---0----------0---0---0---0---0--------| g--5---5---0---5-5---5----------5---5---0---7---5--------| d--7---5---5---0-0---7----------7---5---5---5---7--------| a----------7----------------------------7----------------| E--------------------------------------------------------| at the end just tank this: e----------| b--0-------| g--5-------| d--7-------| a----------| E----------|