Don't you want to be the one To tell him, oh why can't you see The only people that you're hurting here Are you and me We'll be together once again Just one big happy family Minus the cat Oh I don't believe I'm hearing this Just don't be such a twat he was just fine when his grandad died He'll live without the cat He's old enough to understand that dying Is a natural part of life We've talked about the birds and bees So why you hidin' this from me? It's plain to me Why can't you see I don't need any therapy for this This could be unnecessary Pain and quite a lot of nasty strain Upon his brain and you know How expensive therapt can be For just one session nowadays And just for dealing with a phase That he'll grow out of in a Couple of years. It's true, We've talked about the birds and bees So why you hidin' this from me? It's plain to me Why can't you see I don't need any therapy for this We've talked about the birds and bees So why you hidin' this from me? Not like I mind I mean, come on I'd figure it out some day