Refugeecamp Turn me up give me some more Tom jones your ready baby Yeah thats it Letgo Refrein: 1, 2 toms coming for you 3, 4 gonna bust through your door 5, 6 you better lock up your chicks 7, 8 before its to late Act right ladies seem forgot body Feels like pussycats come out Late night no matter where they rome They always gonna come home to tom jones 30 years strong never went wrong Still in the game i decide when im gone Now im gonna set the whole house on fire I wont stop rocking till i retire You know and i know you gotta move on the dancefloor Were blowing up this party with this sexbomb Take my hand understand ill rock for years all across the land So let me see you shake it till the sun comes Refrein: Now your in the mood So let me see you move I got you hynotized with the sound of the groove From london to l.a And back to the n.y Turn on your satelites so we can see it worldwide You know and i know you gotta move on the dancefloor Were blowing up this party with this sexbomb Take my hand understand i ll rock for years all across the land So let me see you shake it till the sun comes Refrein: Pussycats come out late night Girl you make me wanna holler Tom jones international baby (3*) Refrein: Tom jones oh oh oh oh oh tom jones (2*)