Tom: G G He tried to look like he had a little bit of money C A drifter with a southern drawl G Well I could tell right away by the the way he was runnin' D That this boy was just beggin' to crawl G At least a junkie knows what he needs C You get a man all strung out on green G D G He'll give up everything he's got for just one shot of having it all G He took every cent of his savings C On a trip to the local track G He got a tip from a friend bet it all down to win D On a horse named heart attack G Well now he ain't no fool boys he didn't bet it all C So everything was cool when that horse took a fall G D But then he turned around and through the rest down G Trying to win it back [Chorus] C He wants that easy money G It's sad but it's true D Everybody wants the most they can possibly get G For the least they could possibly do C They want that easy money G I don't understand D If you scheme and you plan you can't get your hands G On that easy money [Verse 2] G Now she's been watching him from the table C Not to soft but not tough G She figured by the money he'd been throwing around D That he was damned sure good looking enough G So she worked her way over she shot him a wink C He took his last five bucks and bought her a drink G D By the time they hit the motel six G They figured they were in loooove [Chorus] C He wants that easy money G It's sad but it's true D Everybody wants the most they can possibly get G For the least they could possibly do C They want that easy money G I don't understand D If you scheme and you plan you can't get your hands G On that easy money [Verse 3] G Now it must have been about two weeks later C He get a call from a business friend G They got a sure fire steal of this big investment deal D And would you believe this, they're gonna let both of us in G So they took all of their savings out of the bank C And on the way home they stopped to gas up the tank G D G She stepped in for some cigs and she never saw that fucker again [Chorus] C He wants that easy money G It's sad but it's true D Everybody wants the most they can possibly get G For the least they could possibly do C They want that easy money G I don't understand D If you scheme and you plan you can't get your hands G On that easy money [Extra] C G I know, it's only rock and roll but I like it C G Like it, yes I do.