Two by fours, staple gun Concrete slab, burning sun Two lots down, drywall's done Inspector says he's coming at noon I got a paint guy bitching like he's dying to fight Half his crew went to jail last night He says the bail's gonna break him And it just might if we don't see a sold sign soon Week to week, dust to dust Live off the draw while you're waiting to bust Ain't never met a local that trusted us So we take them when they trust themself All my life, from town to town Build where they're moving from miles around We heard about the plant so we came down When the last town closed its doors I put my wife and kids in a model home I got this greedy fool, he co-signed my loan He thinks I'm a hayseed but he don't know I've been down this road before Week to week, dust to dust Live off the draw while you're waiting to bust Ain't never met a local that trusted us So we take them when they trust themself We take them when they trust themself Well there's another town a few states from here I've been hearing about a boom for over a year A friend of mine tells me that the sky is clear He's working on a framing crew Got my punch list done, it's out of my hair They're trying to cut me out now, but I don't care I'm gonna call my buddy up and move down there If I don't see a sold sign soon Week to week, dust to dust Live off the draw while you're waiting to bust Ain't never met a local that trusted us So we take them when they trust themself We take them when they trust themself