I was working at an easy pawn shop When old man came stumbling though the door His sad eyes told the story of a lot of years as he dragged his tired feet And he slowly crossed the floor He layed a six string on the counter He stepped back and bowed down his head Just to hide a tear that was falling from his eyes As he softly said You know me and this guitar seen brighter days Wrote better songs and traveled so far But now the strings are rusted And all my dreams are busted Son there's no more songs left in this old guitar Son there's no more songs in this old guitar We've been together through many years Shared a lot of tears and played a lot of smokey bars We've set beneath the moon together picking to the stars Now there's no more songs left in this old guitar Next morning I woke up With that old man and that guitar on my mind How he could lay his life on the counter and walk away And just leave it all behind And in the morning paper Imagine my surprise When I found that back page story about that man with the sad old eyes They said he was a songwriter He was one of the finest of his day They'd been through it all together But you know nothing lasts forever The day they sold that guitar was the day He passed away Now I know what he meant when he said Son there's no more songs left in this old guitar We've been together through many years Shared a lot of tears and played a lot of smokey bars We've set beneath the moon together picking to the stars Now there's no more songs left in this old guitar I headed back to the easy pawn shop And I pulled that old guitar down off the rack I polished her off and tuned her up And I strapped her across my back Popped a Dr. Pepper and I drifted away Hopped up on the tool box and I began to play I sat there pickin and strummin Lord I was tappin my feet and hummin for so long Just sat there pickin and playin And thinkin about what that old man had been sayin Next thing I knew I'd written this song Mister there was one more song left in that old guitar I wish I could play it for you but heaven knows I don't know where you are So I'll sit beneath the moon tonight and pick it to the stars Mister there was one more song left in that old guitar Mister there was one more song left in that old guitar