Coffee black about ten 'til nine About to crank up that assembly line You keep telling me there's something more I say there's no use keeping score I'm not wasting my life For something to lose I have always realized That's exactly what you do You won't catch me thinking twice I get older every year You keep all your own advice I've had it up to here So I'm not as cool As I used to be It doesn't matter that much to me I'm losing my cool I'm losing my cool You've got you motives I've got mine You keep expecting that sun to shine This rain is something I don't mind I'm not looking for some silver line I'm not wasting my life For something to lose I have always realized That's exactly what you do You won't catch me thinking twice I get older every year You keep all your own advice I've had it up to here So I'm not as cool As I used to be It doesn't matter that much to me I'm losing my cool