Tell me where can a cowboy get a salad I've had all the red meat I can hold I don't ordinarily come in here I don't ordinarily like blondes I don't ordinarily flip the switch That will turn any young girl on I don't ordinarily drink liquor I ordinarily drink beer I never fall for the kind of girl That would ordinarily hang out here I noticed you were single Like I noticed them other things Like me noticing you When you were noticing me Checking out you for a wedding ring It's funny how you hear things sometimes But it's easy to see But all these things I'm noticing Sound just right to me Can you hear that knocking Can you hear that knocking Can you hear that knocking Can't you hear that knocking Can you hear that knocking Sounds like opportunity Now this is a rare occasion In fact it's never really happened before Now I'm standing here hinged on the fact That we could open up that door Can you hear that knocking Can you hear that knocking Can you hear that knocking Sounds like opportunity