Pray not know desperate indifference in existence nor descent to manifest of hopelessness. Like wayward souls drawn into light they'd fill Cidade, fallen from paths which as life cogs we tread, guided chance misled, to settle up on ill occurrences of then past regrets. Men built a devil's haven in lament as youth grew lawless of neglect. They'd turn to masochistic massacres and ego-maniacal dreams to pacify. But hey, you got to say, complete control of nothing appears better than forfeiting all holds to appear better so... All they would know would be the tense cradle song of cruel armament and agony as outlaws strove to rise up and victims refused give up. The innocent. The transference of stance as death came life for the brothers of breathless and the grieving kin of beloved harvested. For life they'd know living as fear of losing lives.