Concerning certain borders It is known and one must understand That they tend to fluctuate You said to me a drink in hand I was lost in thought It seemed to be the only suitable place For such a conversation There was no better one Myself I was uncertain If we'd stay at all Our words become softer Till they disappear like sketches In the sand but all the same There is no life without shame Now that distant ships are on a ground You cannot ever live it down It can't be any secret when I tend to drift off now and then It happens more and more these days And all my nerves are worn away It all can (?) disorder When you can't set any borders And concerning certain borders It is known and one must understand That they mostly fluctuate You said to me a Sprite in hand I was lost in thought It seemed to be the only suitable place For such a conversation There was no better one Myself I was uncertain If we'd stay at all