Tom: A A Jacky Don Tucker was my daddy's little brother E And at seventeen he jumped the fence F#m He joined a rock 'n' roll band, got a tattoo on his hand D E7 Granny said he never had a lick of sense A 'Cause by the time he turned seven he was a stealin' watermelons E Playin' house with the girl next door F#m Drinkin' muscadine wine by the time he was nine D E7 Sneakin' out and smokin' cigarettes un der the porch D He was a melon stealin' Cop-a-feelin' Daredevil fool A A do-it-anywayin' Playin' hooky from school B7 A water tower poet class of '73 E He'd say by God you better know it if you're runnin' with me D 'Cause I'm skinny dippin' finger flippin' son of a gun (No Chord) Play by the rules E You're gonna miss all the fun A He was always drag racin' and he kept the sheriff chasin' E But they never caught ole Jacky Don F#m 'Cause he was nobody's fool, the definition of cool D E7 He even cut a donut on the courthouse lawn A He created quite a scandal that the locals couldn't handle E When he took up with the preacher's baby girl F#m They bought a new double wide and on their wedding night D Aunt Jenny went to rockin' E7 Uncle Jacky Don's world D He was a melon stealin' Cop-a-feelin' Daredevil fool A A do-it-anywayin' Playin' hooky from school B7 A water tower poet class of '73 E He'd say by God you better know it if you're runnin' with me D 'Cause I'm skinny dippin' finger flippin' son of a gun (No Chord) Play by the rules E You're gonna miss all the fun D He was a melon stealin' Cop-a-feelin' Daredevil fool A A do-it-anywayin' Playin' hooky from school B7 A water tower poet class of '73 E He'd say by God you better know it if you're runnin' with me D 'Cause I'm skinny dippin' finger flippin' son of a gun (No Chord) Play by the rules E You're gonna miss all the fun (No Chord) Play by the rules E You're gonna miss all the fun (No Chord) Play by the rules E You're gonna miss all the fun