Toby Keith

White Rose

Toby Keith

Tom: G

G, C, D, G (X4)
Yea, the whole town came out to watch
The day the paved the parking lot
Somebody hung a ribbon up,
And then they cut it down

And that big white rose upon that sign
Put innocence in all our lives
We could see its neon light
from half a mile out

Gas was .50 cents a gallon
They'd put it in for you
they'd bump your tires and check your oil,
And wash your windows too

And We'd shine those cars bright as bright
We'd go park underneath that light
Stare out at the prairie sky
There was nothing else to do

        G               C
And now there's plywood for glass
        G               D
Where the windows all got smashed
        G               C
And there's just a chunk a'concrete
        G               D
Where those old pumps used to stand
        G               C
There's a couple a'cars half outta the ground
        G               D 
And that old sign still spins 'round 'n 'round 
   G                                          C              G      
I guess the White Rose fillin' station's just a memory now

And the girls would spend a couple of bucks
Just to meet the boys workin' at the pumps
And we'd pull up and fall in love
And they've all moved away

Strangers used to stop and ask
How far they've driven off the map
And then they built that overpass
And now they stay out on the highway


And that neon sign was the heart and soul
of this ol' one horse town
And it's like it lost its will to live
The day they shut it down

     G                                         C               G
Yea that ol' White Rose fillin' station's just a memory now