Praise the Steel Come warriors, Praise the Steel! Come followers, to the celebration of iron and steel The brotherhood was forged with the blood and honor of my clan Come warriors, this is an ode to the supreme metal scream That's in our battlefields, that was sounding for ages and ages No one can feel the pleasure that a battle can be to my people, The swords up in the air prepared to join in the supreme celebration of war Soon we will listen, the music made by steel. Sword against shield, axe against armor and the bravery in one strong chorus "Praise the Steel, my children, Praise the Steel, proud of my clan, In the fields of unknown there is only one true Is in your heart and hands, you must follow it To secure the existence of the sons of your sons You, my Children, must Praise the Steel" Come and listen to the wind, feel the cold and strong sound The hymn of war louder and louder, the strong tradition To Praise the Steel.